I am for the child.
CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court and other settings. Our program serves children in Morgan and Limestone Counties. The primary responsibilities of a CASA volunteer are to:
Gather information: Review documents and records, interview the children, family members, and professionals in their lives.
Document findings: Provide written reports at court hearings.
Appear in court: Advocate for the child's best interests and provide testimony when necessary.
Explain what is going on: Help the child understand the court proceedings.
"Be the glue": Seek cooperative solutions among individuals and organizations involved in the children's lives. As one volunteer said: Be the glue that connects the pieces in a complicated child welfare system.
Recommend services: Ensure that the children and their family are receiving appropriate services and advocate for those that are not immediately available. Bring concerns about the child's health, education, mental health, etc. to the appropriate professionals.
Monitor case plans and court orders: Check to see that plans are being followed and mandated review hearings are being held.
Keep the court informed: Update the court on developments with agencies and family members. Ensure that appropriate motions are filed on behalf of the child so the court knows about any changes in the child's situation.

You can donate directly to CASA of North Alabama using the donate button below.
We welcome recurring donations because they allow us to plan more effectively. If we know funds will be available, we can begin training more volunteers to serve more children. Our online donation form includes the option to make a recurring gift.
Check or Cash Contributions
Please mail check or cash donations to:
CASA of North Alabama
P.O. Box 36
Decatur, AL 35602
Please be sure to include the following information:
Your full name and title (e.g. Mrs., Mr., Ms., Dr.)
Business name (if applicable)
Mailing address
Email address
Phone number
Charitable Gifts
Employer Match
You can supplement your personal donation if your employer offers a matching gift for charitable donations. Check with your company’s human resources department to learn if this benefit is available.
Commemorative Gift
You might want to consider honoring the memory of a loved one, commemorating a special event or expressing gratitude to someone with a charitable donation to CASA of North Alabama.
Currently, it costs $1,500 to provide a CASA volunteer to a child in Alabama.
That covers recruiting, screening, training and supervising volunteers who will offer the highest level of advocacy. Please donate now so more children will benefit from the special services that only a trained CASA volunteer advocate can provide.
When a child enters the child welfare system because his or her home is no longer safe, a judge may appoint a Court Appointed Special Advocate, or a CASA volunteer, to speak up for the best interests of the child in family court and other settings.
As a CASA volunteer, you will make a real difference for abused and neglected children by giving them a voice and providing a stable influence in their lives. You will serve as the eyes and ears of the court to promote the safety and well-being of children in the protective services system. To ensure you understand your role, special training and supervision will be provided before you are assigned a case.